Coronado G
2:40 pm - 3:30 pm, Monday, September 25
Misinformation in the Age of Generative AI
Intelligence/Machine Learning
Session Abstract: Recently, we have seen tremendous advancements in generative AI, such as deepfakes and ChatGPT. There are many positive uses for generative AI technologies. However, they can also be powerful tools for social engineering and spreading misinformation. This presentation will provide an overview of generative AI technology and discuss some recent examples where such technology has been used to commit fraud or spread misinformation. Of course, this technology is accelerating rapidly, so we will also look at what the future may hold. Finally, we will discuss what organizations must do to prepare for and respond to these coming threats.

Summary: Generative AI, such as deepfakes and ChatGPT, are powerful tools for social engineering and spreading misinformation. This presentation explores the threats these technologies pose, including examples, and what organizations must do to prepare for them.
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Tim Garon
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