Fiesta 5
1:05 pm - 1:55 pm, Tuesday, September 26
Hacking Into a Cyber Career - One Year On
Professional & Career Development
Session Abstract: Getting your first dedicated cyber role is challenging, and progressing from it can be just as hard. We will meet the early cyber career professionals in this panel who participated in last year's conference. We will discuss their many experiences in the previous 12 months, from changing jobs, promotions, and career development to being laid off and having to find other opportunities. The information is invaluable, especially if you are in any of the same situations.

Summary: Progressing from your first dedicated Cybersecurity role is a challenge. This discussion will discuss last year's panelists' experiences in the previous 12 months, from changing jobs and career development to being laid off and finding new opportunities.

Additional Information: People in our industry work hard to break into their first cybersecurity job, but many have an "and now what" moment. When you're focused on one goal and achieve it, many people feel lost. This discussion will take people who have been through that and not years ago in a different market now. We will discuss what goals should be your next step, and if the worse should happen and you get laid off, how you can dust yourself off and go again.

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Tim Garon
Director, Event Content and Strategy

InfoSec World
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