Coronado G
1:05 pm - 1:55 pm, Tuesday, September 26
Breaking Barriers: Climbing the Career Ladder for Women in Cybersecurity
Workforce Trends (Diversity/Recruiting)

Session Abstract: Lauren demonstrates it's important to speak up about inequities. She offers concrete tips with real-life stories to address gender inequalities. Lauren sets the stage by providing statistics that show the underrepresentation of women in technology fields and shares her own journey, including how her undergraduate degree in engineering helped her re-enter the workforce and provided valuable skills throughout her career. She uses her experience as an illustration of the ongoing challenges faced by women in male-dominated fields but also shows that wit determination, perseverance, and a willingness to advocate for yourself, how more women can overcome these obstacles.

Summary: This session offer insight into some of the ongoing professional challenges face by women in cybersecurity and explores techniques to address them. It also offer perspective on the wide variety of opportunities for women pursuing a cybersecurity career.

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Tim Garon
Director, Event Content and Strategy

InfoSec World
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