2024 Keynote
Coronado Ballroom
8:45 am - 9:15 am, Tuesday, September 24
Keynote Presented by Ridge IT Cyber: The Cybersecurity Blues: Why Our Defenses Might Just Be a Mirage

In our increasingly digital world, cyberattacks are an ever-present threat that no organization can ignore. Despite having robust cybersecurity measures in place, the reality is that these defenses can fail, often leading to breaches. It is no longer a question of “if” an attack will happen, but “when.” To combat this inevitability, a continual mindset of Cyber Readiness is essential. This Keynote makes a compelling case for transitioning from a defensive to an offensive cybersecurity posture, focusing on proactive measures that go beyond basic compliance.

Recognizing the dynamic and ever-evolving threat landscape is crucial; cybercriminals are consistently adapting and exploiting new vulnerabilities. To build resilience, organizations must embrace a culture of continuous improvement, preparing for breaches rather than passive prevention. By adopting a mindset of “assume breach,” fostering cybersecurity awareness among employees, and encouraging collaboration within the community, organizations can become better equipped to handle potential breaches.

The reality of cybersecurity challenges can seem daunting. You will be shown how emphasis on resilience—rather than invincibility—will allow your organization to navigate the complexities of modern threats with confidence. You will rethink your strategy and embrace a more dynamic and adaptive approach to safeguarding digital infrastructure.

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Tim Garon
Director, Event Content and Strategy

InfoSec World
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