2024 Event
Tech Solutions Theatre 2 (in Expo)
9:55 am - 10:10 am, Tuesday, September 24
Libraesva presents: Guardians of the Inbox: Battling Business Email Compromise and Beyond

In the ever-evolving world of cyber threats, email remains a primary target for attackers seeking to infiltrate organizations. Join us for a 15-minute session where we unravel the most critical and dangerous email threats, including Business Email Compromise (BEC), impersonation scams, dynamic phishing and the latest threat — QR code phishing.  Discover the tactics cybercriminals use to exploit vulnerabilities, from sophisticated impersonation techniques targeting high-level executives to deceptive QR codes designed to bypass traditional security measures. Our expert-led session will provide insights into the anatomy of these attacks and demonstrate real-world scenarios that highlight the strategies employed by today's threat actors.  But fear not—our guardians of the inbox are equipped with effective strategies to combat these threats. We'll showcase cutting-edge solutions and proactive defense measures that can fortify your organization's email security posture. Whether you're a cybersecurity professional, IT manager, or simply interested in protecting your digital communication, this session will empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to defend against evolving cyber threats.  Join us to become a guardian of the inbox and take the first step toward securing your organization with LibraESVA Email Security.

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Tim Garon
Director, Event Content and Strategy

InfoSec World
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