Gregory Rasner
Author, "Cybersecurity & Third-Party Risk"
and "Zero Trust and Third-Party Risk"
Gregory is the author of the books “Cybersecurity & Third-Party Risk: Third-Party Threat Hunting” (Wiley, 2021) and “Zero Trust and Third-Party Risk: Reduce the Blast Radius” (Wiley, 2023); and the content creator of training and certification program “Third-Party Cyber Risk Assessor” (Third Party Risk Association, 2023). Greg is the co-chair for ISC2 Third-Party Risk Task Force and is an advisor to local colleges on technology and cybersecurity. He is a frequent keynote speaker and panelist on cybersecurity and risk management topics, along with blogs, podcasts, and online articles. Gregory is the SVP and Leader for Cyber Third-Party Risk at Truist Financial Corp. and received his B.A. from Claremont McKenna College. His wife is a cybersecurity leader and enjoys travelling internationally with his family as frequently as possible.
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