Jeffrey T. Lemmermann
Sr. Information Assurance Consultant
SynerComm, Inc.
Jeff Lemmermann, CISA, CPA, CITP, CEH is currently a Sr. Information Assurance Consultant at SynerComm, Inc. He is also the chair of the American Institute of CPA's Champion Committee. His responsibilities at SynerComm include: conducting information security assessments, compliance audits, designing tabletop exercises, and providing cybersecurity training. Jeff works with a variety of frameworks and compliance requirements, including NIST, HIPAA, GLBA, and SOC. Jeff has over 26 years of experience in information security with a proven record of accomplishment, developing a risk services practice and working as a consultant. Prior to his current position, he worked for 5 years as the CIO for a manufacturing company, and 21 years in public accounting. He has worked with clients of all sizes in a number of different industries, and continues to assist in the development of the CPA and CITP credential programs.
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